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How can I get the SUNAPI SDK?

SUNAPI SDK can be downloaded from "Product & Marketing Support > SUNAPI SDK Download" menu

ActiveX is not supported anymore

ActiveX is not supported anymore.
We would like to recommend you to use SUNAPI SDK.
You can download it from "Product & Marketing Support > SUNAPI SDK Download" menu .

Produit et technologie [XNS and ActiveX SDK] ActiveX is not supported anymore

ActiveX is not supported anymore.
We would like to recommend you to use SUNAPI SDK.
You can download it from "Product & Marketing Support > SUNAPI SDK Download" menu.

Produit et technologie [XNS and ActiveX SDK] I want to redistribute the ActiveX SDK with my setup file

You can redistribute Samsung SDK as follows.


1. Must include all binaries in the installed path of the sdk.

    - Default path is "C:\Program Files\Samsung\XnsActiveXSDK\Bin", $INSTALL_PATH)


2. Must include "$INSTALL_PATH/Config", "$INSTALL_PATH/Viewer"


3. Can exclude "$INSTALL_PATH/Sample" directory


4. Rename the file "$INSTALL_PATH/Confi/xns_simple.xml" to "xns.xml"  (Optional)

    - Before doing this, it's better to backup the file old "xns.xml"

    - Some dll files in the sdk need to .NET Framework 4.0 or it's own setup file, If you don't connect Net-i ware or old models of samsung DVR (SVR-XXXX, SRD-440), these files are not necessary.

    - If you need to connect Net-i ware or SVR-XXXX, don't change the file. but you shoud install .Net framework 4.0 runtime and WESPSDKSetup.exe in a SDK/bin directory.


5. Register XnsSdkDevice.ocx, XnsSdkWindow.ocx in the registry.

   - Use regsvr32 command or run "$INSTALL_PATH/RegXnsSDK.bat"

   * Regsvr32.exe in Windows 64 bit OS is in two different places:

      C:\Windows\System32  (here for 64 bit Dlls) and

      C:\Windows\syswow64 (for 32 bit Dlls)

      Run cmd as administrator, go to syswow64 dir, and run regsvr32.exe from that location.

      That will work.



 cd \windows\syswow64
regsvr32 c:\Profile Files(x86)\Samsung\XnsActiveXSdk\bin\XnsSdkWindow.ocx
regsvr32 c:\Profile Files(x86)\Samsung\XnsActiveXSdk\bin\XnsSdkDevice.ocx



Notice. The sdk has dependency with "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 redistributable" library. You can also download it from MS website.

Produit et technologie [XNS and ActiveX SDK] Getting the video of multi cameras connected to DVR,NVR or Encoder.

You can get the video data of multi cameras simultaneously using the following steps.


1. Create and Initialize XnsSdkDevice, XnsSdkWindow control.

- Create the XnsSdkWindow control to the number of video (camera).


2. Set the connect information by using XnsSdkDevice::SetConnectionInfo().


3. Connect to devices by using XnsSdkDevice::Connect() or ConnectNonBlock().


4. Request streaming by using XnsSdkDevice::OpenMedia() or OpenMediaEx().

long OpenMedia(

                                   long hDevice,

                                   long nControlID,

                                   long nMediaType,

                                   long tStart,

                                   long tEnd,

                                   long* phMediaSource



2nd parameter (nControlID) indicates camera number;

-  1 mean DVR/NVR itself

-  2 mean 1st camera

-  3 mean 2nd camera, etc.

-  For more information of Control ID, please refer to the “Control Module Information” in API Document


5. Display received streaming on to window control by using XnsSdkWindow::Start(phMediaSource).



nError = AxXnsSdkDevice.Initialize()

AxXnsSdkWindow1.Initialize(0, 0)

AxXnsSdkWindow2.Initialize(0, 0)


AxXnsSdkDevice.SetConnectionInfo(hDevice, "samsung", strModel, XADDRESS_IP, strIpAddress, nPort, 0, strID, strPW)

 AxXnsSdkDevice.ConnectNonBlock(hDevice, False, False)




// After check the success of connecting device, process followings



// Media Streaming Start (use 2, 3, 4, 5 for CH1, 2, 3, 4 or 3, 4, 5, 6 for CH1, 2, 3, 4)

// If you can’t display streaming when start with 2,3, retry to start with 3,4.)

nError = AxXnsSdkDevice.OpenMedia(hDevice, 2, XMediaType.XMEDIA_LIVE, 0, 0, hMediaSource1)

nError = AxXnsSdkDevice.OpenMedia(hDevice, 3, XMediaType.XMEDIA_LIVE, 0, 0, hMediaSource2)


// Do window start with hMediaSource which is a returned value.




Produit et technologie [HTTP, RTP, RTSP API] SIS model, old samsung techwin model's HTTP/API document


Produit et technologie [HTTP, RTP, RTSP API] SVNP document

If you need a SVNP document, please click below link. 


Produit et technologie [XNS and ActiveX SDK] SDK does NOT run, or when it starts up, crashed.


Windows DEP (Data Execution Prevention) feature might cause abnormal execution of XNS

ActiveX SDK. You can de-activate DEP feature at your IDE.

Read more: ‘DEP Troubleshooting’ section in XNS ActiveX SDK Programmer’s Guide.

[VS2010 - C#]


Step 1. Right-click on the project from the [Solution Explorer], and then select Properties.

Step 2. Select [Build Events] tab, and then enter [Post-build event command line] like following: 

call "$(DevEnvDir)..\tools\vsvars32.bat" 

editbin.exe /NXCOMPAT:NO "$(TargetPath)"




Or If you don't need to connect to SVR-XXXX and Net-i ware, you can change a configuration file.














Produit et technologie [HTTP, RTP, RTSP API] RTSP URL for each models

From now, there are three types of RTSP stream url for samsung network devices.
1. Old Samsung Techwin model (SNP-3301/H, SNP-3370/TH etc…)
rtsp://<Device IP>/mpeg4unicast
rtsp://<Device IP>/h264unicast
rtsp://<Device IP>/mjpegunicast


2. Old Samsung Electronic model (SNB-2000/3000, SND-3080/F, SNV-3080, SND-3081)
rtsp://<Device IP>/<encoding>/media.smp
<encoding>: Video encoding type (MJPEG/H264/MPEG4)


3. Current models (After 2010~, After M&A between Samsung Techwin CCTV and Samsung Electronic CCTV)
rtsp://<Device IP>/profile<no>/media.smp

Produit et technologie [ETC] Is NDA(Non-Disclosure Agreement) needed for using HANWHA SUNAPI SDK?


No N.D.A is needed.

You will be a silver-level member based on your company and project information that you

filled in the membership sign-up form, and ready to to download HANWHA SUNAPI SDK and technical
